黄河铁桥 aka 黄河第一桥
A metal bridge which was built across the yellow river. A plague bearing its name lies at the entrance. The animal below it is the 8th (or is it the 9th) son of 龙王, who was so mischievious, he was punished by bearing a heavy stone tablet on his back.
An ancient method used by the locals to cross the Yellow River. It's made from sheep skin though it looks like little piglets isn't it?
黄河古水车 Water wheel
黄河母亲雕像 Mother statue of the Yellow River
Here's a million-dollar question: What is the gender of the baby?
ha... Apparently, the original design of this statue has the mother carrying the baby in her arms. However, by doing so, it'll expose the baby's gender. As China is promoting having female babies, they changed the design to avoid any contradictions.
白塔山公园 White Pagoda park
On our way up the park ...
In addition to the White Pagoda, there's 胡庐阁 which showcase hand-carved 胡庐.
Just before the Yuan Dynasty was found, Gengkis Khan was broadening his empire and unifying the mongols. During this time, a famous lama was sent to pay his respects to him. However, he fell sick during the long journey from Tibet and died in Lanzhou. This pagoda was then built by Genghis Khan to honour him.